Learning Resources

We thought it might be helpful to gather some of our favourite Capoeira Angola resources together for members the group.

If you’re wanting to watch some capoeira games we would recomend Arquivos de Capoeira a Youtube channel by FICA DC. It’s an extensive archive, with some amazing capoeira games.

For music their’s lots to listen to on streaming services or Youtube. Mestre Moraes is a go-to, having been the teacher of our mestre, valmir.

A few links include, Mestre Moraes – Meu Viver – 60 Anos (Cd Completo) Capoeira Angola , O Gcap Tem Dendê – Mestre Moraes Canal Oficial

For learning song lyrics, a brilliant resouce comes from Contremestre Toca, a previous leader of the group. His new goup Mukanda Capoeira Angola in Berlin have created a brilliant archive of lyrics and information about Capoeria music.

Our freinds South London Capoeria have also put together another great resource for capeoria lyrics.